Lawrence M. McCabe
811 N.E. Windrose Ct.
Apt. E
Kansas City, MO 64155
Contact Info:
Cell Phone:  281-467-1963
Email:  lmccabe   @  (Please remove the space before and after the @ sign.)
Mr. McCabe is a very experienced, self motivated, information technology professional. Mr. McCabe possesses excellent analytical and problem solving skills, as well as, excellent written and verbal communications skills. Mr. McCabe is a very dependable and adaptable individual, who quickly learns new applications and technologies. Mr. McCabe has performed various analytical, design, programming, testing, software support, team leadership, supervisory, and documentation roles throughout his career. Mr. McCabe has worked in various technical environments including large mainframe environments, mini computer environments, work station and PC/Client Server environments.
Mr. McCabe has extensive coding experience, primarily using various versions of the COBOL programming language. Mr. McCabe has several years of work with the current Enterprise COBOL for z/OS. Mr. McCabe has also worked with older versions of mainframe COBOL including COBOL/390, COBOL/370, VS COBOL II, and OS/VS COBOL. Mr. McCabe has extensive programming experience with NATURAL/ADABAS. Mr. McCabe also has extensive experience with other mainframe tools including CICS, TSO/ISPF, JCL, VSAM, Xpediter, and IBM Utilities. Mr. McCabe's work station and PC/Client Server environments programming experience includes several years of Micro Focus COBOL, RM Cobol, ACU Cobol, NetExpress, Dialog System, and some Visual Basic programming. Mr. McCabe has worked with several mainframe data base management systems including DB2, ADABAS, IDMS, and IMS. Mr. McCabe's PC based DBMS experience includes XDB, DB2/2, Access, and Paradox. Mr. McCabe also has some hands on training with Oracle.
Mr. McCabe has worked on new software development, software testing, and software maintenance projects. Mr. McCabe has worked on client/server systems, system conversion and down sizing projects. Mr. McCabe has also performed various production support and on-call functions. Mr. McCabe has over 13 years experience in the telecommunications industry. Mr. McCabe's has worked on both gas and electric applications in the energy industry. Mr. McCabe has experience working with worker benefits systems, and life, health, and personal property insurance systems. Mr. McCabe has worked on a number of customer service and order entry systems. Mr. McCabe has worked on accounting systems, including receivables, payables, and general ledger applications. Mr. McCabe has worked on payroll and personnel systems. Mr. McCabe has worked on mutual funds management systems. Mr. McCabe has experience working on both Federal and State government contracts.
Mr. McCabe has, in his spare time, become involved in developing his own web site. He has used various web tools such as HTML, ASP, and Cold Fusion in developing some of his web pages. Mr. McCabe has also used some PERL, CGI, and VB Script.
Apr. 2008 - Present DST, Inc.
Mr. McCabe is performing contract work at DST, Inc. in Kansas City, MO.
Mr. McCabe is working on both The Hartford interface project and the Future Zip Code project. Mr. McCabe's primary responsibilities include coding and testing of Cobol/CICS/DB2 programs. Responsibilities also include writing unit test planning and unit test script documents, as well as, performing unit testing on multiple DST platforms, in both on line and batch environments.
Feb. 2008 - Apr. 2008 KForce
Mr. McCabe worked on two short term assignments, one at Mellon Bank and one at GNC, through the Pittsburgh office of KForce. Bank work was with Cobol/CICS/DB2 programs in the area of the merger with New York Bank. GNC work was in helping upgrade a number of Cobol/CICS programs from old versions of CICS to the current release.
Jan. 2008 Horace Mann Insurance
Mr. McCabe performed contract work at Horace Mann Insurance, in Springfield, IL. Mr. McCabe began worked on the redesign of the customer suitability system which was written in Cobol, CICS, and DB2. Mr. McCabe's primary responsibilities included analysis of Cobol/CICS programs and maps. The project was cancelled after 2 weeks.
Jun. 2007 - Dec. 2007 American Family Insurance
Mr. McCabe performed contract work at American Family Insurance, in Madison, WI. Mr. McCabe worked on various Cobol, CICS, and DB2 programs, as well as, a number of Natural programs, primarily supporting personal property insurance applications. Mr. McCabe's primary responsibilities included analysis of Natural/DB2 programs, and the designing, coding, testing and implementing Cobol, CICS, DB2 programs to replace them. Responsibilities also included writing analysis and design documents, as well as, unit test planning and unit test script documents.
Oct. 2006 - Jun. 2007 DST, Inc.
Mr. McCabe performed contract work at DST, Inc. in Kansas City, MO. Mr. McCabe worked on the Sales Connect project, writing several front end conversion programs for various DST fund management clients. Mr. McCabe's primary responsibilities included analysis and design, and coding and testing of Cobol/CICS/DB2 programs. Responsibilities also included program modeling using ProVision and writing analysis and design documents, as well as, unit test planning and unit test script documents.
Jul. 2005 - Oct. 2006 MCI/VERIZON BUSINESS
Mr. McCabe worked as a contractor at MCI/Verizon Business Systems. Mr. McCabe worked on the Network Capabilities system developing new application programs for the order entry system. Mr. McCabe's primary responsibilities included analysis and design, and coding and testing of Natural/Adabas and Cobol/CICS/Adasql programs on the web service conversion project. Responsibilities also included writing analysis, design, and unit test documents, as well as, mentoring several junior members of the team.
Jan. 2005 - Jun. 2005 Job searching.
Jul. 2004 - Dec. 2004 Personix, Inc.Apr. 2003 - Jul. 2004 Non Technical Activities
Worked on some personal items such as fixing up and selling my condo. Mr. McCabe permanently moved to Texas. During this time he experienced some health issues including major surgery and recuperation. He took a couple of school courses. From mid May 2004 through mid July 2004 he worked as a courier for a local courier company.
Aug. 1999 - Apr. 2003 Reliant Energy/Center Point Energy
Most recent project has been working as a team member converting Customer Information Systems at Center Point Energy to function within the deregulated electric industry in the state of Texas. Other energy related projects have included assisting in the building a client/server Mobile Data Customer Service System for the Entex gas utility division of Reliant/Center Point Energy, and assisting in the conversion of IBM mainframe based applications to a SAP client server platform for Reliant Energy. Current assignment involves building server to mainframe front end application software, primarily using Cobol II, CICS, DB2, Easytrieve, and FTP, to pull data from servers, validate the data, and pass it on to mainframe applications. Responsibilities also include writing test plans, creating test data, and software validation. Experience also includes writing several Visual Basic data reformatting and utility type programs. Project tasks at Reliant/Center Point have included high level and detailed analysis, writing various levels of design documents and program specifications, along with software coding, debugging, and testing. Projects include both on-line and batch systems, with programs written in either VS COBOL II, using CICS, and DB2. Other mainframe tools include TSO/ISPF, VSAM, Xpeditor, FileAid, SCLM, SQL, SPUFI, QMF, Easytrieve, Fileaid, and SMS JCL.
Oct. 1998 - Aug. 1999 US Bureau of Economic Analysis
Functioned as project lead technician. Project involved upgrading the Bureau from 16 bit DOS based Micro Focus Cobol to 32 bit windows based Micro Focus Cobol/NetExpress, with Dialog System. Project included the evaluation of several PC based Cobol packages and the selection of the new Cobol package. Project included converting over 500 Cobol programs from the old 16 bit DOS based package to the new 32 bit windows based package. Responsibilities including testing of the converted programs. Project also included creating and conducting client training sessions and creating documentation for the client's Cobol programs. Project also included developing and enhancing several intra-net web pages. Web work was done using HTML and ASP.
Aug. 1998 - Oct. 1998 US Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Participated in the audit of the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing Y2K efforts. Project included review of several hundred mainframe based Cobol and Cobol II programs. Project also included 150 PC based Micro Focus Cobol and NetExpress programs, some with Dialog System windows. Project required in depth knowledge of Cobol and Cobol II, as well as, mainframe job JCL and executable PROCS. Project included using ISPF, TSO and CLISTS. Project also included working with the IDMS database system.
Jul. 1997 - Aug. 1998 American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Project involved downsizing the Federation's mainframe Cobol/CICS based membership system. The new environment included Windows NT, running in a LAN environment. Project involved both batch and on line Cobol programs. Project required the through analysis of the CICS on line programs. The CICS portions of these programs were then rewritten using a GUI interface. The project required downloading programs from the mainframe to the LAN environment, converting the programs to Micro Focus Cobol/NetExpress. All CICS mainframe screens were converted to Dialog Ssytem based windows GUI screens. Project also involved parallel testing the entire system. Project also required adjusting CICS table entries and data files, working with mainframe VSAM files and PC based indexed files, and creating DOS .BAT files to replicate mainframe JOB/PROC JCL. Testing phase included extensive user interface.
Mar. 1997 - Jul. 1997 Cincinnati Bell Information Systems
Participated in the programming and testing of several Cobol II/CICS programs and several Adabas/Natural/Construct programs within the Customer Service and Invoice Presentation systems. Project included user interface development, software coding, debugging. Responsibilities also included writing test plans, creating test data, and software validation. Technical environment included IBM mainframes, Cobol II, and VSAM, Adabas, Natural and Construct. Also included were IDCAMs, TSO, ISPF, and JCL.
Oct. 1996 - Mar. 1997 Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Worked on project in support of developing a data warehouse. Responsibilities included program design, development, and testing of VS Cobol II programs. Programs were design to extract data from large IBM mainframe DB/2 database management systems, massaging the data, then delivering that data to the PC based warehouse tool. Other technical tools utilized included TSO/ISPF, VSAM, SQL, SPUFI, and QMF. Responsibilities also included writing test plans, creating test data, and software validation.
Nov. 1995 - Sep. 1996 MCI
Worked in structured environment that included analysis, writing detailed design documents and program specifications, software coding, debugging, and testing. Work was primarily in an IBM mainframe environment. Work included maintenance of batch VS Cobol II programs running in support of various billing systems. Technical environment also included use of TSO, ISPF, VSAM, IDCAMs, Easytrieve, Fileaid, NDM, and SMS JCL.
Aug. 1995 - Oct. 1995 Wyatt Systems
Worked in PC environment developing Micro Focus Cobol programs. Programs were designed, developed, and tested on a PC, using a LAN to access an XDB database management system. Programs were designed and developed to perform employee benefits enrollment process including annual open season benefit enrollment changes. Responsibilities also included writing test plans, creating test data, and software validation.
Mar. 1995 - Aug. 1995 US Office of Personnel Management
Project was primarily a development project. Responsibilities included heavy analysis, writing detailed design documents and program specifications, and assisting in the Adabas database design within a full life cycle development environment. The technical environment included an IBM mainframe and the Adabas database management system. Programs were written using Natural and Construct.
Dec. 1994 - Feb. 1995 Union Labor Life Insurance Company
Performed maintenance tasks on VS Cobol II/CICS programs in support of life insurance company processing. Tasks included VS Cobol II/CICS program code modifications, CICS table and VSAM file updates, and system testing. Other technical tools utilized were TSO, ISPF, Easytrieve, and Fileaid.
Oct. 1994 - Nov. 1994 US Export Import Bank
Performed maintenance tasks on Adabas/Natural/Construct programs in support of bank loans to foreign countries.
Mar. 1994 - Sep. 1994 Cable and Wireless
Project involved downsizing the Cable and Wireless mainframe Adabas/Natural Circuit Order Management System to a Sun workstation environment. Responsibilities included program design, development, and testing of Adabas/Natural/Construct programs. Programs were design to extract data from the large IBM mainframe Adabas database management systems and deliver the data to the Sun workstation environment. Programs were also developed to receive data from the Sun workstation environment and update the mainframe status database. Responsibilities primarily included the coding and testing of the necessary programs. Responsibilities also included writing test plans, creating test data, and software validation.
Jan. 1994 - Mar. 1994 MCI
Worked on maintenance project in support of Third Party Accounts Payable. Programs were written in VS Cobol II, using CICS. System maintenance included user interface screen modifications, VS Cobol II program source code modifications, and the testing of those modifications. Project also required adjusting CICS table entries and data files, working with mainframe VSAM files and TSO ISPF.
Sep. 1993 - Dec. 1993 Cable and Wireless
Project involved maintenance of some on line VS Cobol II CICS programs and some on line Adabas/Natural/Construct programs supporting the customer service and billing functions. Other responsibilities included user interface screen modifications, VS Cobol II program source code modifications, and the testing of those modifications. Some programs included sharing data with a DEC mini computer using an LU6.2 interface. Project also required adjusting CICS table entries and data files, working with mainframe VSAM files and TSO ISPF. Responsibilities also included writing test plans, creating test data, and software validation.
Apr. 1993 - Sep. 1993 Planning Research Corporation
Project involved maintenance of VS Cobol II CICS programs supporting the payroll and personnel systems. Responsibilities included user interface screen modifications, VS Cobol II program source code modifications, and the testing of those modifications. Project also required adjusting CICS table entries and data files, working with mainframe VSAM files and TSO ISPF.
Dec. 1990 - Apr. 1993 MCI
Assignments included Billing Systems, Revenue Reporting Systems, and Call Processing Systems. Projects involved exposure to full systems development life cycle and structured programming and analysis techniques. Tasks included analysis and design, writing system and program specifications, and programming tasks, as well as, program implementation and maintenance. Programming was completed in an IBM mainframe environment, using VS COBOL II, CICS, TSO, ISPF, NDM, Easytrieve, as well as, some DB/2, SPUFI, and QMF. Tasks were primarily program and screen maintenance tasks. Responsibilities also included writing test plans, creating test data, and software validation.
Jul. 1990 - Nov. 1990 Genasys
Participated in the design of an on line Cobol II/CICS system to be used in support of the Commercial Driver's License System for the state government of the state of Missouri. Responsibilities included collection of user requirements, the writing of various high level system design documents, and help with the writing of both individual program and screen specifications. Technical environment was an IBM mainframe, VS Cobol II, and VSAM. Also included were IDCAMs, IDMS, TSO, ISPF, and JCL.
Apr. 1990 - Jul. 1990 Diamond Taxicab Co
Responsible for the selection and installation of a Novell LAN in support of the company's cash receipt and reporting systems. Responsibilities included the selection of both hardware and software, the designing and development of Paradox PAL programs to track and report on daily cash receipts. Was also responsible for user training and system documentation.
Jul 1989 - Apr. 1990 International Tele-Management
Worked as a Token Ring Engineer. Responsible for the selection and installation of an IBM token ring LAN. Responsibilities included day-to-day system operations, system planning and design, user support functions. Was also responsible for developing programs using the C programming language. Projects also included familiarity with IEEE 802.2 and 802.5 standards, and IBM SNA networking.
Jun 1983 - Jul 1989 MCI Telecommunications Corp.
Assignments included Customer Service Systems, Billing Systems, Revenue Reporting Systems, and Call Processing Systems. Projects have involved exposure to full systems development life cycle and structured programming and analysis techniques. Tasks included analysis and design, writing system and program specifications, and programming tasks, as well as, program implementation and maintenance. Programming was completed in an IBM mainframe environment, using VS COBOL II, CICS, TSO/ISPF, Adabas/Natural, DB2, and IMS. From 1988 - through 1989 functioned as LAN Administrator of an IBM Token Ring LAN. Responsibilities included day-to-day system operations, system planning and design, and all user support functions. Evaluated PC operating systems and application packages, maintained software at current upgrade levels, conducted system backups, and provided user training and documentation. Responsibilities also included writing test plans, creating test data, and software validation.
Aug 1981 - Jun 1983 Genasys Corp.
Worked as Programmer/Analyst. Responsible for system analysis and design, and writing and debugging programs. Worked on the Medicaid (MMIS) system for the state of Kentucky. Programs were in Cobol, on an IBM mainframe. The database was IMS. Worked on a project for the US Army. Programs were in Cobol, on a HP 3000. The database was Image. Also wrote some Cobol programs for a Unisys system. Responsibilities also included writing test plans, creating test data, and software validation.
Jul 1977 - Aug 1981 American Management Systems Inc.
Positions included Supervisor of Systems Administration and Programmer Analyst. Experience included the planning, designing, development, implementation and maintenance of client software systems. Also performed as team leader.
Nov 1975 - Jul 1977 George Washington University
Worked as computer programmer and computer operator. Programmer tasks included the design and development of computer programs for payroll and personnel. Operator job included the operation of an IBM 370/145 OS/VS1 system.
Hardware: DEC 10, 20, PDP 11, HP 3000, IBM ES9000, 3090, 3081, 4341, 3033, 370/145, 148, 165, 360/30, 40, IBM Pentiums, PS/2s, ATs, XTs, Various IBM Clones, Sun Work stations, Unisys
Various professional training courses, seminars, and lectures.
George Washington University. College senior (96 credit hours)
Computer Learning Center Sep. 1975 - Apr. 1976. Computer Programmer Curriculum.
Attended Univ. of Md., Munich, Germany and College Park campuses Fall 1967 - Fall 1970
Graduated Kaiserslautern American High School, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1967
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